вторник, 23 юли 2019 г.

Random Creative Exercise


Random Region

Political Situation


          The Last Human States, on the West Bank of the Great River Arm, are in a state of disarray. Comprised of heavily fortified and mostly autonomous fortresses, villages and towns what's left of the once great Human nations in the region are under constant attack, raids and threat of annihilation by The Great Greenskin Confederation comprised of various Orc, troll and goblin tribes. The former heartlands of the Human states have become a perpetual battleground. 
          The last great Greenskin push had been two decades ago and had overrun multiple Human states and was stopped on the river banks by the Coalition of Human States after a serious of bloody and pyrrhic victories. The Greenskin tide had retreated leaving destruction in their wake with few scattered human settlements and bastions remaining inland as the Coalition promptly disintegrated. Inland remnants now have to contend with constant Greenskin raids for plunder or tribute of produce and slaves, as well as the still somewhat secured states on the riverbank who in their decadence are vying for influence between each other as much as trying to support the inland remnants that are holding most of the Greenskin raids from reaching the river banks. 

          The Great Greenskin Confederation 

          In the swamps to the west lays the Confederation of Orcs, trolls and goblins commonly referred to in the human states as Greenskins. The arrival of humanity had pushed the Orcs and Trolls who once roamed the plains of the West Bank deeper into the swamps where due to the shortage of resources they declined in a state of perpetual warfare. Constantly raided for slaves by the humans the tribes kept fighting one another supported different human states which policy of sowing dissent among the Greenskins had kept them a minor threat. With the escalation of infighting between the Human States so did the brutal slave raids into the swamps escalate. 
       The increases of warfare and fractionalization of the different Human States as they fell further into decadence many Greenskin warbands and even tribes found a livelihood as mercenaries for the humans. These warbands would often conduct slave raids alongside the humans against rival clans. On one such occasion in the Barony of Abeas, a whole tribe that was accepted by the humans as Foederati(a common practice for border Human states) after being decimated by rival tribes was prepared to conduct a slave raid alongside their human suzerains. Instead, the approaching human force attempted to enslave them instead, seeing them as an easier target. In a stunning turn of fate in the resulting battle, the Greenskin tribe won killing the baron of Abeas in the process. It then proceeded to rampage in the Abeasian countryside as it followed the running human forces. This or as it would come to be known as the first Greenskin push would escalate as the spoils that the tribe gathered let to other tribes even former rival to join in the scouring of Abeas. In time the Greenskin threat would only increase culminating in the last Greenskin push under a war chief who managed to unite an unprecedented number of Greenskins in a loose confederation of tribes and decimate the smouldering human states.  
          Now it is the humans who have to contend with almost constants raids. It is the humans who are enslaved and killed in mass. It seems only a matter of time before another Greenskin push attempts to decimate humanity once and for all. 

                                                                                             Carthago Delenda Est....

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